Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What We Do Today, Echoes in Eternity"

Im just thinking about a few words that were spoken over me a long time ago...probably 10 years ago. The first went something like this..."Jamie, you're roots go deep...you are like a tree that continuosly produces fruit...many generations that come from you, will benefit and live from the fruit of your life." Im not sure exactly what this means. I know that I constantly pray for my future children and pray that Pete and I can be part of an awesome legacy of on fire loving and giving Jesus followers that lasts for many generations. It is a great desire of mine, that we will be able to pass a wealth of wisdom and passion and love and provision to our children. "What we do today, echoes in Eternity." Everyday is an opportunity. God open my eyes, give me your eyes so that I can see what you see...Lord, give me your ears, so that I can hear what you hear...Jesus, give me your heart, so that I can feel what you feel....I want to live my life differently, completely lead by the holy spirit, I want to be a revolutionary!

The other word spoken over me a while ago went something like this, " When you worship and lift your voice, and raise your hands...I saw that you were painting pictures in the spiritual realm...beautiful tapestry's. I also saw you in a flowing dress, and the words that flowed from your mouth brought healing and change to peoples lives." So what's cool is three Sunday's ago, the lead guitarist caught up with me and said, "Jamie! when you were worshipping I looked at you and you were wearing a big flowing dress, and Dylan (the drummer) saw the same thing!" and then...this last Sunday, while I was worshipping I was closing my eyes and as I was moving my hands I saw that they were brushing against flowing white gown-like cloth...and I felt like it was angels around me worshipping and protecting me. Its hard to explain...but it was amazing. I have been experiencing God in some very cool ways lately. I've been praying that he opens my spiritual eyes. I want to walk into a market and know what someone is dealing with so that I can pray for them.  I want to live heaven now.